Goris Press Club has been working for more than 20 years to create positive changes at the local level by promoting media literacy, freedom of information, dissemination, fact checking. The organization implements programs aimed at promoting human rights, reducing corruption, developing critical thinking, and forming a participatory and demanding society. Within the framework of these and other initiatives, large-scale information is collected through research and media tools, which have an impact on the change of public policy and decision-making in these areas. We have formed a team of journalists who use new digital technologies: multimedia tools, visualization, maps, infographics, social networks, the ability to use databases, communication skills with the public and other digital tools, was able to present the prepared materials more reliably and accurately, to fill the gap in Syunik's information field. Over the past 3 years, we have prepared more than 100 multimedia materials, 50 podcasts. We are consistent that our materials contain a confidence-building component in order to pay the attention of local and national authorities to community issues, as well as to make the voice of the audience heard. The main tools of the organization are multimedia materials, research. Platforms for information dissemination are the website, social networks: Facebook , Instagram and Youtube. Until 2023 November, the number of website visitors is about 50,000, which has increased by about 10,000 compared to last year. The number of followers of the organization on social networks has also increased. The number of followers Facebook page in 2022 was 8,000, now it is 9,500. The Instagram page grew from a few followers to 473 followers. The organization's YouTube page has 989 followers, but the number of video views is about 95,000 this year. The videos are separately uploaded on Facebook, where the visibility reaches up to 206 thousand. Main audience of social media is 18-45 years old persons; main audience of the website is 45+ age group persons. For this reason, we try to create different content both for the website and social platforms or to present the investigative materials on the website using shortened versions and visual solutions.
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Անդամակցել է՝ 2010
Հիմանդրվել է՝ 2000